Purple Velvet Night Walker
The Bearded man strolls the streets at night for
A nip of fall air and some people
Watching. His attire consists of a
Purple velvet coat with brown wooden toggles.
One of the toggles is missing, leaving
A velvet loop stranded like an empty
Neuse swaying in the breeze. The flannel
Scarf is clinched tightly to his neck allowing
Little blood flow to his already flushed cheeks.
His black fedora says, “Peace not War” and
The stiff republicans give him “the eye”
With their Sunday denim strangling
Their manhood to the right hand side. The man,
With his beard flowing in the wind, thinks that
The world has surrendered to the Church and
Creativity is forever lost.
A harmonica sounds like a scream for
Help. The man dashed to find the breath behind
This howl, realizing that not all have surrendered
To the masses of working class heroes.