The following came from Guy de Maupassant's "The Horla", anyone thats been around my long drunk rants about the university system and it's bubble of followers will understand it's signifigance.
The populace is an ignorant herd, at times stupidly docile, at times fiercely rebellious. When it is told, “be merry”, it is merry. When it is told, “Go and fight your neighbor,” it goes to fight. When it is told, “vote for the Emperor,” it votes for the Emperor. Then it is told, “Vote for the republic,” and it votes for the Republic.
Those who lead it are also fools, but rather than obeying men, they obey principles, which can only be inane, barren, and false by the very fact that they are principles, that is to say, ideas thought to be certain and immutable in a world where one can be sure of nothing, since light and sound alike are but illusions.
board porn quiver shots soon to come.