So after more than a handful of sessions that have found me shivering from the time i suit up until the time i hit the shower at home, I got a bit zany and a bit wasty* and splurged on a patagonia a.k.a patagucci wetty. Having had yamamoto suits before I thought i had an idea of what i was getting into but shooots, all you need to do to become a believer in these suits is put a leg on. Shit is WARM!!! I couldn't stop smiling. It's like wearing a hug. Yea the price tag did drop my jaw, but ever since I was 15 working at huntington mug and sport hustlin wetsuits to joe's and dropping selling points like " This firewall on the chest utilizes it's properties to wick away moisture from the chest!" I always wondered why somebody didn't line the entire suit with a similar material. Patagonia did and it's pure buttery warm genius. So there, huge wetty purchase and later in the night i helped out the santa barbra local economy by calling ABC locksmith to break into my apartment after I locked myself out (Seriously cutting back on the green) This educated fool is getting a new job hopefully at Goleta Valley cemetary to help get the bank account back in check. It should go well as long as I don't end up like this in the interview...
1 comment:
YEA HA that was freakin perfect funny. Good luck filling the ducket box.
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