Tame Impala "Innerspeaker" out now on modular records
Have you ever had deja vu? Usually it's some visual image that leaps out of another dimension and reminds us that reality is fucking weird and that you've strangely felt this all before. But, have you ever had the feeling of deja vu with a sound. It seems natural because sound is one of the most visceral and memorable senses. Recently i had this very sense of dejaudible vu. A few years ago i went to the tidepools in Laguna and took way to much acid. Myself and two friends brought guitars and jimbe drums and hiked like hippie shirpas as far down the rocky cliffs as we could, across jagged rocks, over hazardous surf, and right under the noses of the rich s.o.b.s who occupy the coastline like normandy nazis. Soon we stumbled upon a secluded cave. We tripped out all day in beautiful isolation playing music and swimming in clear waters like it was "The Beach" (minus the gun weilding drug runners). As goes on any good trip, time melted into the sand and the percussive sound of my nerves firing from the speed that the lsd was probably cut with punctuated the sound of the ocean swirling through the cave. You know how when you listen to a conch shell and it sounds like the ocean... well that's what the cave sounded like amplified by ten billion. Sensory overload kicked in and i remember hearing the sound of lazer beams shooting all around me, followed shortly by the sound of me running into the ocean screaming nonsense about aliens, other dimensions, and that i really wanted a cigarette. Listening Tame Impala's song "alter ego" from their new album immediately took me back to that lazer filled moment in the cave (it comes 30 sec in). Some how these guys figured out how to take one of the best days of my life and filter it througha guitar phaser pedal which is awesome and makes me only hope they can figure out how to inculcate a wah pedal with the summer i spent drunk fucking around in europe.
1 comment:
Fuck yes. Stephen for President.
-Nevadical McRadical
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