There is a bridge connecting Seal Beach and Surfside. It's a great place to check the surfside jetty and it gives you an overall view of the weapons station. However, don't let this bridge fool you. It is an angry bridge. I personally have lost 3 surfboards off the top of my car while passing over it. One of them happened to be a vintage Bing David Nuuhiwa Noserider. I cried like a baby after that one. Literally. I have spoken with many others who have also felt the wrath of the surfside graveyard. Up and coming ripper Josh Hessley felt the pain a few days ago. In these shots you can see the damage. He told me a lady plowed right through it. If you look closely at shot #1 you can see the outline of the woman's license plate. Pretty bad ass. Also a bummer. Especially for Robert down at Harbour. Turns out, Josh was just borrowing it. Whoops.
so many boards met their demise over that bridge. the 6´6 good karma off the top of the tahoe circa 2002 really comes to mind.
that was Dana Morris' fault
Lost my favorite 9'2'' on that fucking bridge. Flew about 20 ft. in the air and came down on the other side of traffic breaking some dudes windsheild...
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