I don't really have much to say about these, other than they suck... and so does any other manufactured surf related item that references anything other than surfing. There is nothing "punk" or different about surfing, it is not a counter culture, something so enjoyable and readily available to those forutnate enough to live driving distance to waves couldn't be. If you want a fiend skull on your board spray that shit on there yourself. The surf industry needs to stick to what it knows best: surfing and selling massive amounts of hideous clothing to youngsters and grown men that should know better, sans danzig.
I have spared you all the chore of thinking up a witty remark by ending this post with one of my all time favorite scenes from any movie:
Word up. The retards have taken punk away. It's hard for me to identify with that logo now cuz of all the bozos who frequent Hot Topic. Shits mainstream and lame now. It's more about the dark image than the music. Those fuckers probably don't even know what Misfits sound like. In the 90's there was a misfits WWF team. They wore all black with the skull masks. Many logos have been stolen by the lame ass goth/punk wannabes. Black Flag, Dead Kennedy's, The cramps, Joy Division, etc. I see these fools around and you can tell that they don't even know what punk is. They just like the swag.
this guy agrees with you
ha, poor danzig he's an old man
Word up. The retards have taken punk away. It's hard for me to identify with that logo now cuz of all the bozos who frequent Hot Topic. Shits mainstream and lame now. It's more about the dark image than the music. Those fuckers probably don't even know what Misfits sound like. In the 90's there was a misfits WWF team. They wore all black with the skull masks. Many logos have been stolen by the lame ass goth/punk wannabes. Black Flag, Dead Kennedy's, The cramps, Joy Division, etc. I see these fools around and you can tell that they don't even know what punk is. They just like the swag.
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