He will probably join the fiend club here at svrf & destroy sooner rather than later.
Yeah...that's a pentagram.
The early Christians commonly utilized the pentagram as a symbol of the 5 wounds of Christ. It was thought to protect against witches and demons.
The pentagram was quickly shunned by Christians once Satanists began to flip the star upside down with the two points pointed upward and circle it. The three points facing downward have been thought to represent rejection of the holy trinity. It is usually seen with the image of a goat head inside the upside down star. The goat represents free thinking and rejection of the sheep mentality.
At least that's what Wikipedia says...I guess, be like the goat and figure it out for yourself.
fuck yesssss!!!!! dont be a sheep.........
Trevor's work is so tits. Check it http://www.myspace.com/gnarxkill
big up's trav
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