This past weekend Captmouth, myself, and a few others cruised on up to San Francisco to visit some friends and catch a ball game. We stopped at a park in Pacifica along the way:

Here we have Captmouth looking rather regal in his new svrf&destroy tee:

I didn't do any skating but I did manage to demonstrate remarkable will power in only dropping about 40 bones on wax at Amoeba and Rasputin in Berkeley and SF.

The weekend was wrapped up at AT&T Park for the Giants v. Pirates game where it was free Bengie Molina bobblehead giveaway night. I hate the Giants so you can find mine on eBay...Go Dodgers!

Hope you enjoyed. If you read this post from work or school I'm sorry, if it was read from home go outside and shred somethin'. Smell ya later.
damn that looks like fun, I wish I could skate
tiiiight. jack you are very good at skating.
Until the End? I'm gona get highschool pissed off nostalgic today and listen to some of that.
hell yeah thats until the end! i saw it and couldn't resist. first hardcore record i got into.
That park at Pacifica is my favorite. The pics don't do that oververt clam shell justice. It is big and fast!
You guys could have gotten stuck up here for 2 weeks riding all the insane new parks in Nor Cal.
i wanted to skate the sunnyvale park and scotts valley. the scotts valley park is probably my favorite in california.
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