I don't think there has been much book talk here at Svrf & Destroy, so here goes. Every so often when I need a break from my 19th century Gothic Literature I go out and pick up something a little silly, because we could all use a few belly laughs now and again. I recently purchased comedian Jim Norton's latest book of essays entitled I Hate Your Guts, the follow up to his previous book Happy Endings. Now this book is not for the faint of heart, Lil Jimmy spares no one, launching written assaults on everyone from Heather Mills to Hilary Clinton and the New York Yankees, but most of all himself.
Some of the essays included are "People I Wanted to Kill on Sight (parts I-III)," "The i-Sound Like Shit Phone," and "Elliot Spitzer: Welcome to My World." I'm about half way through it and I must say it's a real rip-snorter, makes for excellent reading material while servicing the bowl. I highly recommend picking up a copy for you or a loved one. But like I said, definitely not a book for one who is offended by humor. If you are offended by humor you can keep it to yourself, or like my boy Jimmy says "Die in a fire on Christmas morning." That is all. Svrf. Destory.

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