This blog rules. Dungeon of Doom. The first post had me hooked...
"Usually when i wake up in the morning, i sit down at my desk, check the surf, and cruise on to www.surfline.com for some videos and pictures to pass my morning by. i usually scoff at the shitty music that playing behind the surfing. Do all surfers have shitty music taste nowadays?"
Exactly. Douche, Lightnar, and I have had this conversation a few times. Why does surfing love shitty music? Watch any video posted on Surfer, Surfline, etc. and prepare to have your eardrums raped by Mickey Avalon.
And longboard movies were always the WORST! Fvck surf guitar. Fvck super slo-mo. I love Herbie Fletcher, but his movies always had the most terrible soundtracks. Douche and I had nowhere else to turn to get our Tudor fix.
the fletchers and ...lost had the right idea. now its just shameful
is this danno of the b9 board by chance?
hah, yea, i got banned and finally said fuck it
beyond my poor experience
(15 years skateboarding, 10 years surfing and 13 playing in punkhc metal
i must agree with you: usually surfers love shitty music.
i have music-friends and beach-friends but they usually do not like each others!
your blog kick ass.
i have a t-shirt with a shark saying "surf and destroy" i got maaaaany years ago...one day i'll post you the photo, it's funny, you'll like it.
greetings from a famous spanish rivermouth lefthander local (the wave is famous not me).
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