Tonight is the first night back for every ones new favorite dodger, Manny Ramirez. Personally I have mixed feelings about the man. Yes in the bottom of the ninth inning and the dodgers losing i would rather see Manny walking to the plate than Juan Pierre but...
Is it not hypocritical of dodger fans though to cheer for a man who used steroids, and despise an entire franchise and fan base based on their left fielder doing the same thing? Giants fans stood behind Barry Bonds through accusations of Steroid use and i understand the majority of dodger fans will be doing the same thing for Manny. I have been in the left field pavillion at the ravine when Bonds was playing and i have never heard louder Boo's. A couple guys even made a giant syringe and were taunting Bonds the whole game. Don't get the wrong idea, i hate the Giants just as much as the Dodger fan next to me with face tattoos but I'm confused. Manny Ramirez doesn't give a shit if hes wearing a Dodger's uniform, a Red Sox uniform or a Yankee's uniform. He'll play for whoever will pay him the most money, for now he'll take $45 million from Frank Mccourt. Despite not getting paid while being suspended, Manny will still make close to $38 Million. On the other hand we have Juan Pierre, a player who cares about the game. Pierre also currently has the 2nd most steals among active players, and recorded over 200 hits in a season while with the Marlins. Juan Pierre's numbers may not compare to Mannys monster numbers but get fucking real with me here.This will help those of you on the fence: On May 9, 2006, Pierre robbed Barry Bonds of a career 714th home run, which would have tied Bonds with Babe Ruth for second on the all-time list, by catching the ball as it topped the fence. Jay-Z is down with JP and refers to him in one of his songs, and Pierre has the smallest head in the MLB (5 1/4) You choose: (Look at that stache on JP though)