Bad Shit = Jake Phelps, Tony Trujillo, and Trixie Con Leche.
You might recognize their song, "All Hail Cardiel" from the John Cardiel Epicly Later'd series on VBS
Here is their review from Thrasher:
Get Tested 7" (Narcosarcasmo)
Hey fuck nuts, Bad Shit happens to those who can't realize what punk is all about. Bad Shit is reality and you haven't experienced anything 'til you throw on the headphones and inject this malice straight into your brain, leaving your piehole raw with envy.Jake Phelps delivers a guitard-sault like I haven't heard since certain raunchy-toad DC or SF bands could deliver in the day. Just check "Junkie Bitch" or "Bitch Ass Nigga," but my (personal experience) fave is "Mission Street Coke," TNT's bass humping and bloody panties will rally any pit, but it's Trixies murderous skin pounding and organizational skills that really hold this shitpack together. Get tested or die, fucker.

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