Here are two interviews with Herbie from Juice Magazine. 1 and 2
Some excepts:
Can you still get to the nose?
I fly on the nose. Are you kidding? At Backdoor. Nobody else can say that.
They can’t.
They don’t even want to attempt it. They go, “I can get in the tube, but not on the nose. No way.”
Why were you anti-establishment then?
We were anti-establishment, because we were taking LSD. We were shunning the social and cultivating the elemental. It was hard to communicate with the straight people.
Who was your main threat?
David Nuuhiwa was always number one. Everyone always tried to get away from David. He was hot. As the years went on, he was always number one and I was always number two. Nobody could beat David.
He was untouchable?
Yeah, he had so much style and so much grace. He was fast, and slinky like a snake. He didn't go to school, so he'd go surfing all the time.

What a fucking bad ass Herbie is. Hands down my favorite surfer of all time. I've got two of his videos. Yeah, all that you say about them is true, but damn I love to watch him surf!
i have an OG copy of wave warriors 2 where hes doin backflips on a jet ski at waimea
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