Since the downfall of the SoCal hardcore/metal scene, there have been few bands that made the cut into my regular playlist . . So when a new "heavy" band makes it into my playlist the stars truly do have to be perfectly aligned. Over the past 2-3 years I have created a habit of listening to Cloudkicker on a pretty steady basis, shit gets me pumped in a psychedelic sort of way . . . if that makes any sense at all. But getting to the point Ben Sharp just released a new Cloudkicker EP; and like all good bands should he released it online for FREEEEEEEEE!!!!! The new ep is way crunchy. Also their debut full length is posted online for free too. As Bassist Beau said "Listen on headphones, loud, on drugs" hopefully Ben will finally land his plane so they can play another show. Go listen! 

good stuff, i didn't realize they were still together...the southern california hardcore scene is alive and well you guys just stopped going to shows!
sorry dude trash talk, pressvre, and dangers does not constitute a good scene
Cloud kicker inceased my run distance by a mile yesterday. Beau gave me the new final fight cd last night too...brutal run downs
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