Two Thumbs Down...
0 Stars...
This so called artistic, new age, hipster, film begins with a subtitle that reads..."THE HANGOVER OF A POP CULTURE." I thought this subtitle was the most creative part of the while whole film. The slogan grabs the attention of the audience stimulating the mind which in turn tries to achieve some kind of profound meaning. The only problem is that if your going to make such a bold statement at the beginning of a film the audience is going to want evidence to support it. The film in no way shape of form produces any meaning of "THE HANGOVER OF A POP CULTURE." What the film does achieve for the audience is absolute boredom, shitty writing, and over dramatic pompous hipsters running around smoking cigarettes, having tea, and throwing their surfboards. Give us a break this has all been done before. It seems to me that this film is trying to document a culture that is not real. This "Pop Culture..." or in other words "Newport Beach Surf Culture" is simply trying to hard, and the build-up and production of this film is proof. I do not want to sit here and bash Alex Knost because he is a nice guy and he has done some cool things for alternative surfing. I mean I would rather watch Alex and his friends surf then watch the top WCT riders blow their fins out the back followed by four reverses on one wave. I just feel he needs to stick to surfing and the progressive style he brings to longboarding. Let us get back to the film... The film is just over done, every shot is too long and the little surfing there is can be classified as mediocre. I'm sure Tyler Manson and Alex Knost will have many excuses for why this is an art film and at the top of their list it probably reads "Art for Art's Sake" but give me a fucking break this whole thing is a joke with the Alex Knost Cult Community backing it. What I don't understand is how such an artistic driven company like RVCA can back such a lame piece of work. I gave this film a shot and was highly disappointed. I laughed more at the things they were trying to do because I really did not understand how these guys wanted to be taken seriously. To me they sat down and said, "Let's open the film with a make out scene, then I will have a smoke, then I will mess up my hair, then i will pack my punk tapes for my Walkman( so vintage brah!), next I will have some tea and bitch about nothing, then I will go surf, and then I am going to get pissed and throw my board around screaming profanities like a bitch. I will challenge anyone that comes up to me and says, "Well like if you think about it, it's kind of cool" or "Yeah, I get what they are trying to do" or "I respect them for taking the risk of the idea." NO! The people that say this are the ones trying to make excuses for this so called "Pop Culture" we live in. What really gets me going is that this was suppose to be for surfers and it only shows surfing for about four minutes out of the thirty one minute film. I'm sure Tyler and Alex are proud of their film and I am sure people enjoy this film but I thought it was crap and I wasted thirty minutes of my life. Stop trying to relive the past with your hobbies, fashion, and art. This film makes me depressed to be involved in a culture that lacks such originality. Enjoy...
fvcking rousted. amen chad.
so you didn't like it eh? I just thought it was very amateur in addition to being very bad. Like some guys who know nothing about making a film got a camera and made a film. Since I don't live in Newport it was even harder I guess trying to figure out their purpose. I think it was just to fuck with people, make some crap and pretend it was serious, see what fools will fall for it.
doubt it!
This is a shame because Tyler Manson's stuff on has been good. Thanks for the review, I will eventually see it myself anyway since I have an abundance of 30 minute blocks in my life.
I agree with Surfy, the hi-shredability stuff on vbs has been pretty rad thus far. Dissapointed with BBB, I had higher hopes for it.
Hmm, i was torn watching it deciding whether I liked it or hated it. Which is why I ended up liking it even though I hated it.
I thought it was perfect short showin' a day in the life of a bored kid. Hooking up with the same girl is boring, walking around is boring, the day is boring so he goes for a surf. Fun waves but you can still see the shitty day coming out in the way he surfs. Then after the surf, you are fuckin' bored again so you throw your board and get pissed you have nothing left to do and that hour surf was the only highlight of your day.
I actually liked the movie. I will agree with you though, that it was pretty fucking lame of rvca to hype the shit out of it...really makes me think they did it to fuck with people.
I have not seen this Flick yet, and I probably never will just because I've heard only negative things about it and I've seen the trailer which pretty much gives away the entire movie anyways. BUT, aside from the film being horrible or awesome, or whatever it may be, it did get your attention, and you did write a really long and in depth review on it. I think that was the idea behind the movie if any. It was probably never RVCA's intention to get people to like the movie, but rather a surprised reaction. I respect Alex though.
stir shit up. i back that.
I agree that the hi shedability stuff has been good. haven't seen the movie yet but I can imagine...
Just my point of view but I think it would be more interesting to simply make a film about alex and his friends just cruising around, surfing, playing music, creating artworks, even going to a party or something. y'know like a 'day in the life of' sort of thing. To me it's always kind of poorly done and misrepresented when a filmaker tries to create the culture that they live in or are influenced by. it's far more interesting to actually see them immersed in the culture of their own day to day lives in a real and authentic way. After all, that is what would probably interest more people.
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