Anyways, it was a little overhead both days, cold, (nothing a good 4/3, hood, and booties couldn't fix) and pretty fun. I rode my 6'0" both times. There were still dudes out on 6'5" Black Beauties and 7'0" CI Guns though, which I didn't really understand. A few tough paddle outs, but nothing to write home about.
I had a pit stop in Santa Cruz to drop a board off and meet up with a buddy. We took PCH north to the city and I saw some super fun looking waves on the way up.
All in all. I didn't score, but at least I know where to go and that the area has a shitload of potential. I'll be back soon enough.
The dude paddling out didn't make it more than 30 yards from the sand for at least ten minutes. He eventually made it out.
Remember that scene in the North Shore when Kiani meets Rick while riding her horse on the beach? I didn't see any hot Hawaiian chicks on the beach here.
Julio brough his alaia and a hull. Ideal quiver for the conditions.
Julio's wetsuit had tar on the neck from a previous surf trip. Needless to say, he had scrubbed all the skin off the back of his neck by the end of the trip getting it all off.
North of Pigeon Point looked pretty gnar.
The lighthouse at Pigeon Point. I saw the biggest sea lion I have ever seen kicking it on the beach here.
I barely took any photos this trip. It was kinda difficult to fuck around with a camera out in the water. Numb hands. Clean up sets.
I didn't see it, but I heard a few dudes hooting after Adam got shacked on a good one.
Highlight of the trip was probably my trip to City Lights bookstore where I bought, A Field guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels, and Other Subversive Spirits. Nothing like some light reading on the crapper.
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