My friend Nevada (yea like the state) sent me this write up he had to do for some class at ucsb. Pretty classic...
Inbox re: pubes/anal/blackchicks/naziskullfucking ( a real attention grabber I must say)
Body :
so I had to analyze a website for this super gay internet class I'm in. naturally I did it on your hessian blog-site. I may have put some words in your guys' mouths just to make it more academic-sounding but for the most part i feel it hit the bulls-eye. i pasted it for you below to read if you're bored/have whiskey dick and cant tug your shit. ps sick ass anti-christ-mas tree. xoxo
According to the creator, Daniel “Danimal” Hernandez, the Svrf and Destroy blog-site is a “vehicle to talk shit, talk svrf, and stimulate conversation.” Operated by Orange County and Los Angeles locals that are everything from professional surfers and snowboarders to photographers and artists, the Svrf and Destroy online experience is far from a bore. The site’s members list their interests on the home page as “surf, sharks, books, skate, bicycles, microbrews, snow.”
If you’re in the mood to read daily posts from bloggers named Lightgnar, murdercity, or doucheMcGregor about beer connoisseurship, new music, literature, surf sessions, or happenings in the surf/snow/skate industries, then S&D might be of interest to you. Also subject to their cynical wit are ridiculously funny videos that you otherwise would never see, rants about how much they hate yuppies, kooks, and jocks, and simply daily occurrences in their lives that happen to be much funnier/more exciting/more interesting than yours. S&D also hosts 21 links to websites that are either member-affiliated or are simply of particular interest to them, consisting mostly of surfing sites and other blogs.
The best thing about the site is that its members keep things fresh with daily posts. In addition, something can be said about the general attitude of its members, which is characterized by the simple desire to do what you love and love what you do, despite living amidst a society they feel is disillusioned by a monotony disguised as happiness.
However, there are a few operational nuances that I found slightly annoying on the site: 1) the sea-foam green font on post headings is difficult to read against the gray background, 2) I personally like to at least put a face or a basic description of the people whose work I read. However, not all the bloggers on S&D have adequate profile descriptions, so unless you know them personally you’re kind of in the dark as to who is speaking, and 3) if you find yourself clicking around the site, there is no “home” button or link to direct you back to the first page.
In sum, I chose to describe the Svrf and Destroy blog-site because it’s funny and appeals to my own interests. If you surf, like beer, or just want to laugh (who doesn’t want that?), then I suggest you “surf” on over to svrfandestroy.com and feel the burn.
That's pretty good!
I want royalties for my abs being shown two posts below...
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