Saturday morning Nevadical McRadical and I woke up on the floor of these two chicks dorm room (both had boyfriends, 1 had mono) after an epic party the night before that involved multiple instances of pantsing, several instances of frenching babes, 1 fight, 1 machete, and 1 instance of my friend (and host of the party) being arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and taken to jail wearing nothing but red boxer briefs and a tie. All in all I'd say the night evened out pretty well.
That was Saturday morning. This picture is from Sunday morning.
Nobody even knows who's piss puddle on the bed this is because there were like 5 bodies throughout the course of the night jammed in the bed.
I slept on the beach as the sun was rising and woke up to a lifeguard asking my lady guest and I if we were okay. Stuuufffffff it liffffeeeeguard.
You can't make me sleep with fuller, he'll pee all over me
Detroit went to jail!?!
yeah dude. you missed a good one for sure.
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