When I lived in Manhattan I would always be so psyched to see him in the water. Insane style, power, and finesse.
One time I was surfing the north side of the jetty up there. He paddles out on a 7 foot single fin gun type thing, no leash, and proceeded to get tubed off his ass. I don't think he lost his board once. Even pulling into closeouts, he would always, somehow, kick it through the back.

Photo: Kyle Lightner
Back when I was probably about 15 or so. I went up to El Segundo with a buddy to visit his uncle. We knew Tyler's shop was somewhere in the city. We got on our skateboards and pushed around until we found it. We figured out where it was by following the resin fumes.
Anyway, we get there, cruise in and he's kicking it in there with some friends. They had some tees, videos, and a few boards in the entrance to the factory. We chatted for a bit then asked to buy a copy of Smooth'n Casual 3, he just gave it to us for free and told us to have a good day.

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