I got my
Snowing Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit 7' in the mail today. Nothing like a silk screened cover, a hand written note, and an additional free 7' with your order. By the sound of them I'd say they listen to healthy doses of I Hate Myself and Piebald, maybe The Promise Ring too. I've been on a kick of ordering alot of new/random 7's lately, should be receiving some records later this week. Tight.
if only snowing was the only i hate myself/promise ring/piebald/capn jazz-influenced band from south eastern PA. cool blog!!
support local music!
go to www.dontstandsoclosetome.com order bad lovers "long hair no care" best 6 bucks you'll ever spend.
Pretty rad. One of the advantages to supporting real people and local stores.
Completely rad record. That label puts out a lot of good stuff from the scene I grew up in.
Check out the Secret Cutter seven inch. It might be my favorite record of the year along with the tile full length on limited appeal.
yes! just wait for their full length... shits gonna kill it
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