

The best modern longboard movie ever made, hands down. Made by J. Brother in the early 90's. First I saw Endless Summer II and pooped my pants. I quickly became a fan of Longboarding via Wingnut. Then I saw Adrift. Joel took over from that point on. This film gives an overview of Longboarding in the 90's. I think there are five Joel Segments. Great music and quite artistic for it's time. The dude who made it is from the LBC so that makes it even more legit. This is part of the opening scene. Joel murdering some small reformers. Highly recomended.


LiL JOE said...

iv been trying to find this and "Longer" but i can't find it for DVD, any know were I can find it?

TJ Ridings said...

try jbrother.com i think you can pick them up there.

LiL JOE said...

thanks masa, i just bought this and longer off the thalia surf shop web site I owe my mommy some serious cash now.

TJ Ridings said...

far out man. Longer has some choice moments but Adrift is the real deal. it even makes the hawaiian shit look cool.