I'll admit it, I've repeated things I've heard about Clay Marzo. A grip of my friends who have met him more or less said ignorantly exactly what is reported in this April's issue of Rolling Stone. Mainly that Marzo is too baked to deal with people and is blowing his talent.
Ya I can't really stand people either and those feelings can be exacerbated when I'm high (depending on the strain) is what I thought to myself, Get over it.
I knew of the Aspergers syndrome he was diagnosed with through a poorly written Surfing magazine article awhile back, but didn't fully comprehend it. Felt more like it was a pitty party piece and still was quick to judge.
Well after a well informed article penned by Paul Solotaroff, I have completely and utterly changed my tune. Oh the power a wordsmith yields. Please check THIS LINK OUT If you want a good in depth look at this dude. I really appreciate how far the author took this article. It's clear he doesn't work on behalf of a surfing publication that wants to play nice with everyone. The insight on Marzo's half brother Cheyne Magnusson, whom I feel is a beer bellied ginger burnout and hard ass father was particularly heavy.
Not sure how to end this so I'll throw this doozy up . . .
Yea.. Clay Marzo is an awesome surfer. its quite obvious in any video he has been featured in. Im not sure to why you would ever judge a person you dont know on their personality if you only know them through their surfing.. watch "Just add water" for any further information. Glad you figured it out though
God you're rad
Wow...way to regurgitate the Stab article written on Clay's Rolling Stone feature. Penny for your thoughts.
judging someone you don't know. oh my! motherfuckers in the spotlight. he put himself there. i will judge clay and cend_it all day long.
I'm just going to tell anonymous (cend it) one more time.
God You're Rad
regurgitate? I can't share an article in Rolling stone that another website posted as well? And with a link to the actual article that stab doesn't have...
Easy there blog police
cend_it is thee biggest kook alive... get fucked.
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