Weekend Activities: Continued

Weekend Activities
Beat it, kooks!
Damnit! I like Animal Collective a lot. They are one of the best modern bands out there at the moment. Unfortunately they have been churning out sub-par music videos since the beginning. I dug the "My Girls" video but thats it. While I was perusing bitchfork i stumbled upon the new video for "Guys Eyes." "Shit!' Thats what I said and thats what I saw. The video consists of lame ass, 16mm, b-roll bullshit of east coast surf hipsters fucking around. Mollusk surf shop in Brooklyn manages to make an appearance also. The Animal Collective dudes are not surfers. They are kooks who happen to make high quality music. Stay away from surfing you indie dorks! Or, if you do want to work together then please try a little harder. The video looks like it was thrown together in a couple hours. You can tell by the shots that were chosen that this was not made by a surfer. There are a couple cool tube shots toward the end and thats it. All the other beach/surf/retard related indie, lo-fi junk coming out almost makes sense. Shit on shit. But Animal Collective? I expected more from them. I guess I should lower my expectations while maintaining hope. We must stop perpetuating worthlessness. Call a spade a spade.
Posted by bitchfork.com
all black everything, everything tailored
"If it ain't black, It's whack"
Big thanks to YO at reunion for the perfect fit, and low key hits.
Europe was pretty okay.
15 minutes within Ibiza and this is what our weary bodies stumbled upon.
Tired and disinterested from hours and hours of traveling, I didn't feel much like going out. We found the most quiet hole in the wall to grab a quick drink and the bartender was so pickled she somehow fell in love with us and fed us 15 shots of vodka (not all in the picture) and two red bulls for a whopping 5 Euros to get the two of us going. We were ready to join the rest of the Islands minds destroyed by madness after this round.

Passed out dudes everywhere. Me and some new friends made the photo op happen. Fell in love for 30 minutes with the blonde to my left. We chatted on the beach for quite some time and she told me I came 4 days too late and missed a live Pete Doherty performance that he was 4 hours late to show up to and people were chucking full Euro coins at him. For some inebriated reason I left her company thinking the grass would be greener further into the night. Fuck, was I wrong.
.My friend I travel with is THAT guy who fucks around 24/7. He's got a bachelors degree, masters, and is now pursuing a PHD. How terrifying the future leaders of America are seeing how he NEVER misses an opportunity to fuck with someone. Here he decided to make another uber passed out dude a fort to sleep in.
Eventually homeboy woke up out of his MDMA/alcohol coma, exploded out of his fort, and chased us 6 blocks until we lost him.
That's it for now. More later...
- pfrog
Ben Fisher
Congrats dude
Billy Bragg
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5heTJ65bdhU&feature=related (choice rant on guitar solos at the end of this one if you can get through the tear jerker)
also...if your going to take the time to listen to any, if not all of these videos put in headphones and turn it up, way up, trust me he's best enjoyed that way).
Go Lakers!!!
Chasing Sunsets
F' It Teaser from Forum Snowboards on Vimeo.
Saltwater Enema

On this particular day, I overheard a 9 year old boogie boarder refer to his friend as the "Hunch Back of Notre Faggot" after he wimped out on a wave...nice!
Apolis Activism: Katin USA from Dave Christenson on Vimeo.
Stumbled upon this video the other day, I've never heard of this "Apolis Activism" thing before but they made a little montage about Katin/Katin USA. And speaking of which I just picked up some trunks from Sato today...
Damn. I'm a sucker for quiver shots.
They are more than just boards. Each one is full of memories, dings that tell stories, and future tubes.

Mikey Leblanc is, no doubt, the most influential human I have come across for me and my snowboarding.
He started a company called HOLDEN before that style of Snowboarding was even thought of yet. He is the one who took away the mainstream rep. that the sport was getting and developed it into an art and a creative way of freedom with little boundaries, very similar to what Skateboarding and Surfing have always kind of had.
This dude likes to scream!!! reps the short guy style, snowboards like he is skateboarding, enjoys listening to Charles Manson, and rips at guitar!
This part your about to watch really changed my outlook on snowboarding when I was in a rut of lame ass sponsors and to many contests.
Thanks Mikey!!!!
the Svrfside Graveyard

There is a bridge connecting Seal Beach and Surfside. It's a great place to check the surfside jetty and it gives you an overall view of the weapons station. However, don't let this bridge fool you. It is an angry bridge. I personally have lost 3 surfboards off the top of my car while passing over it. One of them happened to be a vintage Bing David Nuuhiwa Noserider. I cried like a baby after that one. Literally. I have spoken with many others who have also felt the wrath of the surfside graveyard. Up and coming ripper Josh Hessley felt the pain a few days ago. In these shots you can see the damage. He told me a lady plowed right through it. If you look closely at shot #1 you can see the outline of the woman's license plate. Pretty bad ass. Also a bummer. Especially for Robert down at Harbour. Turns out, Josh was just borrowing it. Whoops.