I knew that was coming. If you lost your board there, it is a nice swim/dance over a shin deep coral for a hundred yards. A leash is somewhat justified...not really...but kinda.
last night travis saw a 5-6 foot white tip reef shark at hanalei when we surfing at dusk...while it was raining...in murky as fuck water. really smart I know. SO we surfed there again this morning, and it was more or less the exact same scenario weather wise. All I could think about is how i didn't wanna lose my board and sure enough i lost it. first wave. If i could ever justify wearing a cord with a longboard it would be in these reefy, sharky cases. I still didn't get strapped though. I'm brave like that
HAHAHAHAHAHA! how has NO ONE commented on the kook cord in photo 3?! DANIMAL!!! WTF MAYN! LOL! aiosdhglkjahsdlgijhasdgh
I knew that was coming. If you lost your board there, it is a nice swim/dance over a shin deep coral for a hundred yards. A leash is somewhat justified...not really...but kinda.
last night travis saw a 5-6 foot white tip reef shark at hanalei when we surfing at dusk...while it was raining...in murky as fuck water. really smart I know. SO we surfed there again this morning, and it was more or less the exact same scenario weather wise. All I could think about is how i didn't wanna lose my board and sure enough i lost it. first wave. If i could ever justify wearing a cord with a longboard it would be in these reefy, sharky cases. I still didn't get strapped though. I'm brave like that
scub it kook
i lost my board at rincon fucking 8 times yesterday on a negative sucking out low tide. but still, plugs are for butts- not boards.
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