
Your Daily Donkey

Lightgnar has joined me as a Daily Donkey. We sit on a throne amongst faceplants, funboards, and emo tight panted-ness.

He is riding a hull and I am wearing a long john. Hipster fuckdom at its utmost pinnacle of faggotry. Enjoy and Destroy.


El Hefe said...

I am speechless. The donkeydom stands unparalled. I mean you got StuporMan flying through the air with the greatest of ease except upon landing he's gonna get a rare duck-diver-enema. Ouch. Then you've got The Gnar getting gnarhull shooshing along a wave of gnarlness. There's a gay beach around the corner, so he was probably lost and trying to find his way back. Note the wrist action. And you can actually see him sayin "oh, it's the other way, thank you ya big surfer fellas".

Nigel S. Peppercock said...

Personally, I enjoyed reading the comments left concerning this picture.