
erBB Banter

Lots of discussion going on the erBB.

Kooks (mainly SUP) in the lineup? What's a guy to do?

"#1 reason why crowds/SUPs/longboards/kooks are completely out of hand. Kicking a (yuppie) stranger's ass in a litigious society can be cripplingly expensive. Bluff calling and serious rule enforcement can generally only be conducted by people with nothing to lose. "



ion dissonance said...

post the thread of that fat bastard guy getting called out for not being able to surf and being a fat bastard. I really wanna read that

El Hefe said...

I hate these fvcktards. No need to add more stupid fvcking equipment to a sport. It's like the old guy in the weightroom wearing gloves, headband, Rec Specs, knee straps, wrist guards, and elbow bands, and ankle supports. I just really hate the whole faggoty concept unless it's on a lake miles from any ocean. The problem for me is that my Hollister Ranch hookup transitioned over to SUP almost entirely. So any time I surf The Ranch, I've got to pretend that I don't hate his mode of transpo.

steve said...

I'm suing you just for fvcking posting this.

But seriously — it's a bit much. I almost killed a SUPer who got caught inside in Costa. Deer in the headlights.

Anonymous said...

my buddy SUPs with Laird...and I still make fun of him for it.

Can't stand SUPs...maybe I'll start taking my longboard leash-less and start launching it at SUPs "accidentally"?

UGH koooooooooooks

KL said...


Nigel S. Peppercock said...

For the record, I just registered the SVP/DESTROY trademark and domain.

soulshreader said...

M.A.S.U.P Mothers Against Stand Up Paddleboarders