Thanks to the big gays super mellow policy about being able to go anywhere in the park i was able to get behind the dodger dugout two hours early. I came prepared and got three balls autographed by Matt Kemp, Russell Martin and Clayton Kershaw. It was super rad being able to see the dodgers take batting practice up close. Heres a picture of two of the balls. The Russel Martin ball is at my lady friends.

I sat in front of a huge Latino fool with an LA Tattoo on the back of his head, i'm sure you dodger fans know who i am talking about. His name is Johnny and he runs a ticket agency or something. The fact i had a 300 pound latino dude with an LA Tattoo "getting my back" as he said, granted me immunity to talk shit to any angel fan. This was a very empowering feeling and i used it to my advantage. Anyways around the 7th inning Johnny was getting cuffed for fighting an angel fan. Best dude. Even though we lost the angels still suck. I don't want to hear it about the loss dude.economy.
haha shit yeah
great review and the angels will always suck
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