Just listen to whoever the dipshit filming is and you'll have a clear understanding of how idiotic these drains are. At 15' sec mark he's pumped. Pure fright in his voice at the 18'sec mark. Everyones thinking it, I'm going to say it. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
There's decades worth of this shit floating around, here's a couple good ones. --
Watson tells Animal Rights 2002 Conference in Washington DC that if a person dies from
one of his actions, he would consider it “collateral damage”. He believes it is not possible to
“commit violence against non-sentient objects. Property damage is not violence.”
-1993: Paul Watson orders the crew on board the Sea Shepherd vessel “Edward Abbey” (formerly
US Navy) to open cannon fire at a Japanese fishing vessel. Sea Shepherd crew do not carry out
the order, but instead fire a shot across the bow of the Japanese vessel. The Japanese vessel does
not stop. (Recorded by Yorkshire Television Documentary “Defenders of the Wild – Ocean
1991: A US crew member on a Mexican fishing vessel, reports that Sea Shepherd, some of whose
crew were armed with rifles, rammed his vessel causing considerable damage.
1991: Scott Trimmingham, president of Sea Shepherd quits in protest. “We had rules about not
hurting anyone, about not using weapons. I left because those rules and that philosophy seems to
be changing.” Outside magazine (Sept. 1991). Paul Watson admits there are arms on board “Sea
Shepherd”. “We confront dangerous people. As the captain, it is my responsibility to protect the
lives of my crew ... Therefore, I have prepared myself for the possibility of defending my crew in
a situation that could go never occur, but if it does I will use firearms to first intimidate and then
to defend,” Watson tells the Los Angeles Free Weekly (April 24, 1992).
I hardly pay attention to whale wars or Paul Watson because the only episode I saw they were throwing smoke bombs on the whaling ships. I didn't understand what kind of impact they were trying to make. But reading these clips makes me respect him more, they should have rocket launchers and such to takes these fuckers down. They are over farming international waters of creatures that are cherished by countries across the globe. whales>japs
Arrrrouuughh Dollphiiinnn
Arrrouggghhh Chiiiiccken
ACLU circa 2002: "Mandatory search procedures for all passengers is a violation of our constitutional rights against illegal searches and seizures."
ACLU two weeks ago after Nigerian would-be suicide bomber weaseled through airport security and singed his ball-sack instead of blowing up the plane:"The airport security system has failed and has put innocent American lives at risk. Security must be heightened to discourage a possible repeat."
i'm already pretty over this post. the swasi really is a cheap catch
the hollywood crowd again,always in everyone else's business- it's good to see them get a well deserved beatdown. great post !
kudos ..swazis are always good for a afternoon chuckle
They have weapons on board to protect their weed stash. Could you imagine having to be around these idiots all fucking day without an all-day-big-Bob Marley?
they stole batman's boat and fucked it up. alfreds gonna be pissed.
Good discussion going on the erBB as well.
fuck you dolphinsssssss!!!!!!!!
Let's Help to Protect Endangered Marine Mamals..
i saw that episode where he (watson) was lookin through binoculars at the mother ship while they were dragging a whale in - that watson didn't think was a whale by the ship. He's a total fucktard. If he truly wants to stop this action by the whaling vessels - drop the dutch flag, go full on pirate - arm yourself with some heavy weapons and kick some ass. otherwise - you're just another useless asshole and you're not helping the whales much if they're still getting killed on your watch
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