Yeasayer - Odd Blood (2010 Secretly Canadian)
I recently saw a preview for a movie called “Hot Tub Time Machine” where said hot tub transports people back in time! Little known fact is that this movie is based on actual events. Shortly after finishing their debut album “all hour cymbals” the dudes in Yeasayer were partying in a certain New York socialites plush Manhattan apartment. Cristal was flowing like nectar from the heavens, the sweet smell of cannabis permeated the crisp air of aristocracy, and word on the street is someone dosed the caviar with LSD. Sometime around 4:00 am the boys in Yeasayer found themselves in the magical hot tub with a plethora of swarthy naked Brazilian models. After a night of debauchery the band woke up disoriented and hung over to find themselves in the apartment of Gordon Gekko, in 1987! The band, never a group to waste time, immediately headed to the studio to write their new album which was slated to be the soundtrack for “Weekend at Bernie’s”. Unfortunately, the album’s big screen debut never came to fruition due to a tear in the space time continuum and instead came out in 2010 after the LSD had finally worn off.
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