John Husak is a flat out humble ripper from the LBC. One of the original Bruce Jones team riders, and a dude Tj, Danimal, myself, and a bunch of others have always looked up to. Really nice guy, reallllllly good surfer.

Photo = Jim Boswell
Mr. Husak serves up the finest cold ones at
Joe Josts (Oldest/Raddest bar in LB) and I hear that he also kills it on the drums.

Photo = Jim Boswell
Do yourself a favor and stop by Joe Josts to grab a Schooner of Busch, a special (hot dog,swiss,pickle sandwich) and some pickled eggs with hot mustard like the Svrf and Destroy dudes do. You won't be displeased, but your lady friend might be with your farts that night. Dutch oven anyone?