
Svrf & Destroy T-shirts

Is any body interested?

I have been wanting to get some made for a long while now...but I suck at drawing, illustrator, and photoshop. Not a good combo. But! I have a dude at work that will print 'em real cheap like.

So. What I'm askin' for is some help designing a shirt. If you have anything email it to me in eps format. That's what Ari needs to make it into a screen.

I don't want to sell them or anything, I just want to give them to good people. I will try and pool some cheese together from the Svrf and Destroy posse to fund this venture. I will then mail out free t-shirts to as many people as possible...for free.


If I don't get any suggestions, they will probably look like this...wait a sec...that's kinda what I want them to look like!


Jamie Welsh Watson said...

I am interested in a t-shirt. I love your banner logo and think that would be great on a t-shirt.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

I mean with the picture of the shark too.

R.T. said...

here's another vote for the shark eating seal.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm...free shirts. How about instead a shark with the head of a human eating a human with a shark head or visca versa....mmmm human heads

Anonymous said...

mmmmm...free shirts. How about instead a shark with the head of a human eating a human with a shark head or visca versa....mmmm human heads

J.P. said...

I vote for shark/seal banner!

Joanie + Ryan said...

sign me up

seamouse said...

Yep. Me too.

If it helps I can turn the Seal Death banner into EPS for you.

Danimal said...

Many thanks for all of the responses.

I figured out how to turn the seal death banner into an .eps and I made some tweaks on illustrator.

I sent the file to Ari and hopefully we will have some shirts soon. I am going to do a run of all sizes from S - XXL on American Apparel white shirts. Stay tuned.

JP from Surfy Surfy said...
