
"Do You Like Rock n Roll?"

Can't get enough of this shit lately. Been mixing it up between The Lizard and the Phil Spector Christmas album. Got to stay balanced. These are some rad live performances of two good ones, Bloody Mary and Wheelchair Epidemic. Gets me pumped to play around in the cold ocean.


And fuck you I'm out

I quit this blog so you can follow my self destruction at http://reallygoodatpartying.tumblr.com/. Don't check it now because it's barely rolling but check back soon.


fuck yesss!

for the seal homies

thanks drewbob!



I know i posted about this like 3 summers ago but.... TA-HA is finally here. My buddy Don Luong has been working on this for quite a while and I can't wait to see it. If you got nothing else going on cruise down to the Art Theater and check it out, its gonna be fun.


I Know What I'm Doin for New Years...

On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad does this sound? I'm gonna go ahead and say 8, as my 10 was a Wolfenguts (Orange County death metal, check it out man...and don't be fooled by their location which says "inside your girlfriends pussy, CA"...they really are from Orange County!) show I attended at the Galaxy circa 2005, and believe me nothing will ever top it as far as awful shows are concerned in my book. Donavon, Timmy, Tom, since you're reading this I'd just like to say, sure your music sounds fine around the campfire, but it really need not be taken further than that. Thanks.


waterman is a gay kook

an all time favorite.


Scratching The Surface

Shiiiiit Yea


The Best Kind of Mail

Huntington Beach, good for the cliffs and records...and that's about it.

Good jam, crappy video, but if you imagine the singer as one of the McPoyle brothers from Always Sunny then it's a lil' better. I never realized this band was on Subpop until recently, I guess that explains where all the retarded but bangable "indie" broads came from.


everyyyy once in awhile if i get real good an' bored i'll troll the surfermag message board. The banter is hilarious and you find gems like this. Double click this shit.


text of the week


Great Roc Doc

Long but really interesting


This is a good segment...

Chimp v. Frog

I was going to ask for a fleshlight this holiday season, but this has got me thinking I may just ask for a pet frog instead...my deepest apologies if this video is old and not funny anymore.