
In My Opinion...

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is currently the funniest show on television, the last two hilarious shows being Arrested Development and the original British version of The Office. I didn't get into it until the 3rd or 4th season so I had to get the dvds to catch up. I highly recommend it.

For the most part all of the episodes, seasons 1-5 are available here: http://itsalwayssunnyepisodes.com/

If you can't handle the blurry youtube screen purchasing the dvds is well worth it! Viva la televisor and BOO to all people who think they are above it.


ion dissonance said...

Right on for singing the praises of televison. So sick of smug assholes claiming they "don't own a TV" or "I'm too busy to watch TV". No your not. No your fucking not. I know you watch it. I know everything.

murdercity said...

its always sunny is pretty epic! just started watching the show from season one...i fucking love it...I highly recommend "Community" on thur. nights(nbc) before the office! it is great

Little Nicky said...

throw your tv away i say. there are starving kids in the world, which i hate...blah blah blah.

Worm said...

dee and dennis go on welfare