
mutha' fuckin handycam!

8==D~ from derp serf on Vimeo.

Ohh that's right fuckers, a 7 year old handycam! I sat and filmed on a bag of ass mushy morning a few weeks back. These are the waves that went by for a half an hour. I think it's pretty good. If you're half in the bag, it's REALLY good.

Turn the shit up and get weird


Anonymous said...

i liked the slow hell to pay. pretty sick.

Danimal said...

Epic Fred cameo at 6:19.

Awesome cut. I like the way the Handicam makes it look not all perfect.

Kinda like a Misfits song. The shittier it sounds/looks. The better.

brockydoodle said...

haha SUPer...gotta get those hamstrings, derf

dude.economy said...

this blog needs more of this and less web soup. I wanna video this weekend.

snoogins said...


Ryan James said...

can you guys surf more like taylor jensen in the next video, this shit has too much soul.

Anonymous said...

We dont need no stinking training fins!