
I'm Sorry

but this video is just too ridiculous not to share with you folks. My friend showed me this the other day and I had to watch it a few more times to take it all in. This was the first time I had ever heard the posse and I was truly taken aback. I don't know what is worse the lyrics/rhymes ("i fed a fish to a pelican at frisco bay, it almost ate my cellphone, i ran away"), face paint, or the fact that both these mutants reproduced. Don't be afraid to sit back and enjoy the entire video because you too just may believe in miracles (like magnets) by the end, I sure do! Also: if Juggaloes aren't your favorite subculture after viewing this you are seriously tripping.


Anonymous said...

"pure mother fuckin magic"

"fuckin magnets, how do they work?"

Anonymous said...

the real miracle is that these clowns get paid for this