

We are now www.svrfandestroy.com

That's with a "v" and one "d"

Spread the word.

I used the "v" instead of a "u" for two reasons:

1. It looks rad.

2. This...

"Surf and Destroy Corp.
is a web design and development studio,
located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
committed to delivering accessible, usable and attractive interfaces."

Bitchin' huh?

Also, tee shirts are being printed this weekend. The shark logo didn't work out with all of the shading it had. So, I threw this together. I ordered two dozen. We'll see what happens.


Worm said...

the shirts better be tye-dyed or i'm going to be super fucking bummed

Danimal said...

They are going to be the opposite of tie dyed. They are going to be white.

I guess we could tie dye them after they are printed...that could be cool