Joel at Pipe? Fuck off. So tight.
Joel at Puerto Escondido in Siestas and Olas? Fuck off again. Cheater 5 in the death pit to boosting a little mini air on the inside on a 9'10" single fin. Yeah bro. Dig it.
Douche McGregor and I used to copy all of the Joel Tudor sections out of every longboard movie we could get our hands on. We ended up with a 6 hour Joel Tudor reel. It was like watching the highlights of every movie, without any of the crappy stuff.
My walls were covered in every picture and poster I could cut out of surf mags.
I have a stack of every Longboard Magazine issue I could get my hands on that has an interview or cover shot of him.
We would drive down to Donald Takayama's shop and drool over Flow Models...and by "drive down" I mean get our moms to drive us for the day. We would cruise down to Cardiff, Swamis, Malibu, Windansea, and all the places we would see him shred in the movies.
We actually got to ride our friend's dad's 10' Flow Model at Bolsa one day.
When Tudor surfboards started up, we about shit ourselves. Douchemcgregor got a 9'4 Diamond Tail Noserider, so did MasaTom. MasaTom also had a Good Karma model (that flew off the roof of his rig on the way home from shredding one night.) Then Douchemcgregor got another one of his single fins. We both have a few Tudor fins.
Fuck, this weird! Borderline stalker, I know.
Anyways, I thought I'd share some Joel Tudor x Loomstate radness I found on the interweb @ Harmony Amplifier.

Here is a clip from J. Brothers Longer. Get into it.
I hung out with Joel a little bit on the 4th of July at Cardiff. For some reason all we talked about was asymmetrical fishes.
This is definitely one of my favorite posts on Surf & Destroy. I can't wait to see that film.
Hey Kremel made a reel too...that makes me feel better.
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