
Exo Squad Anyone?

So I'm cruisin the web and I stumble across a thread about your favorite childhood toys. I immediately think of these intense action figures Danimal and myself used to be into circa 93-94. At first I couldn't put my finger on the name of the toys although I knew what they looked like. Then it hit me when I found some pics. Fuckin Exo Squad Men!
I'm pretty sure Danimal had this one:
While I had this one: Wolf Bronski w/ Ground Assault E-Frame

Equipped with: spring powered grappling hook launcher, spring powered Gatling gun missile launcher, and fully rotating side shooters.

I quickly looked em up on the web and they go for a grip on eBay so it doesn't look like I'll be restoring my collection anytime soon, but I thought I'd share.


Danimal said...

FUCK! We had both of those things. Mom gave 'em away I bet!

I know Douche still has a shit load of Star Wars action figures, still in the package.

Almond Surfboards & Designs said...

hahahaha, i totally had that blue exo squad guy. radical.

Worm said...

douche sounds like a star wars nerd.

can you believe i grabbed that baby opossum. i took it as my chance to swim in mystery

snoogins said...

i think wiggy got bit by a opossum a little while ago

day-n-nite said...

HELL YEAH. I mention this show every time I find myself in a conversation reminiscing of cartoons from my youth, and nobody ever remembers it. Season 1 FINALLY came out on dvd a week ago.

TJ said...

i fuckin loved exo squad

Esteban Pumpernickel said...

It reminds a bit of Voltron without the cat influence.

Mike Gaynor said...

Got DH one of these for his birthday.