I've been confined to the home for the past 2 days with a bummer of a cold (probably swine flu). In between swigging cough syrup and watching fucked up depressing movies like Gummo, I popped in the new City Fog dvd that Travis Karian was kind enough to hook it up with and got motivated to get better and go surf.
I really appreciate what Longevity is doing. This movie is put together well and the content is mostly current to 08/09(some old nuuhiwa clips, but definitely no complaints there). Ya know these days I'd rather see a video like this with current surfing and get super pumped to actually go surf, than some self indulgent art piece that has footage from 4 or 5 years ago set to a sleepy soundtrack. That's just me though.
tight pants alert!!!
where can I get a copy?
Kanvas by Katin's got some copies
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