Kooks (mainly SUP) in the lineup? What's a guy to do?
"#1 reason why crowds/SUPs/longboards/kooks are completely out of hand. Kicking a (yuppie) stranger's ass in a litigious society can be cripplingly expensive. Bluff calling and serious rule enforcement can generally only be conducted by people with nothing to lose. "
I took this snap of andy b (of ill behavior) while we were on the clock for vans. sums up how serious the dream team is about their work. where the fucks our free money checks danimal?
What's with all these half assed posts!? Let's at least get some videos on here and pay some respects to quite possibly the greatest entertainer of all time!
hahaha watch this fucking video and laugh like a bastard at this dipshit of a kid. pulls a corndog out of his backpack and starts grubbing. Does a cig/bowl/whipit/drink to epic puke combo.This dude ACTUALLY exists.
This video came from www.thebeachgoth.blogspot.com which is pretty much the funniest god damn thing i've read in awhile. mole rips and hating on stupid shit pretty much sums this blog up.
Some copy and pasted goth thoughts - "i hate blogging fuck i had no idea what i was getting into when i started this blog now i got all you fags fucking saying goth what the fuck when is the next post and i say pull your pants up, quit beating off to porn, get off your computer and go get money get pitted blow tail rail molly and fuck bitchs like i have been doing"
"Fuck Australians so fucking over ozzies lamest partyiers ooohh we drink hard mate sick cunt oooowwwiieeeee owwwieeeee i proved this past weekend at coachhella
i can pick an aussie out from a mile away gay fashion tank tops and over grown manes fuck even a group were wearing union jack hats called them a bunch of english fags they were like were ozzzie i said fuck even worse you fags talk like english and are dumber than dirt go back to your stupid kangorooo vermit infested rock bunch of reject english criminals, just a bunch of prison cell buttt buddies and remember how bad we fucked up the english in the war of independence aussies they party gay and loud pimp chicks with their stupid ancents you dont see me cruising to austrialia like i give a fuck about the opposite side of the world stay on your own hemisphere"
"god damn i miss isla vista it will never be the same when i was up there all i did was party, surf, finger bang hotties and win national championships"
5'4" Fantom of the Agua "Frida Fang Tail" 20.5" x 2.5" Functional Art - SOLD
"Evil Twin" headed for the glass shop then to an art show. $2,400 email ecfoam@aol.com if you are interested. Comes with hand foiled marine ply bat-tail keels to match the tail.
Thanks to the big gays super mellow policy about being able to go anywhere in the park i was able to get behind the dodger dugout two hours early. I came prepared and got three balls autographed by Matt Kemp, Russell Martin and Clayton Kershaw. It was super rad being able to see the dodgers take batting practice up close. Heres a picture of two of the balls. The Russel Martin ball is at my lady friends.
I sat in front of a huge Latino fool with an LA Tattoo on the back of his head, i'm sure you dodger fans know who i am talking about. His name is Johnny and he runs a ticket agency or something. The fact i had a 300 pound latino dude with an LA Tattoo "getting my back" as he said, granted me immunity to talk shit to any angel fan. This was a very empowering feeling and i used it to my advantage. Anyways around the 7th inning Johnny was getting cuffed for fighting an angel fan. Best dude. Even though we lost the angels still suck. I don't want to hear it about the loss dude.economy.
This video is pretty damn ridiculous, Illinois Law Enforcement just realized that herb has become so dank it produces a zombie like state, and now sales for the same price as Crack Cocaine. They figure if its bringing in as much money as crack you should be punished on the same scale . . . . Ohhhh Okay, I get it.
Sitting at the court house right now in lovely Santa Ana. Wasting my life away on the interwebs.
I paid $6 for a shitty wireless web connection. Shitty informational video playing right now. I'm pissed I forgot my master blasters to drown out all the garbage spewing over to speakers. The dude next to me has a 1986 Dell Inspiron laptop that sounds like it is getting ready to take off.
I found this on the erBB. I want to know what board he is riding. Photo: Hootski - Hawaiian staff photographer for the erBB.
Hopefully I get chosen for a trial so I can do this.
I have had the She Hull for about a week or two. I had only ridden it 3 times in substandard beach break slop. I figured She was due for some waves could actually realize her potential.
I was sorta nervous. Hull (total noob). Backside (eh). Malibu (I saw more pairs of fake tits on the beach, than people who knew what they were doing in the water). Kooks (see previous). Worm was out, someone had smashed the nose of her death dagger.
I surfed for 3.5 hours. 2.5 on the hull, until I saw this.
Anyways, I started a bit up the point on 1st. Caught a few waist high waves. Get up, grab rail and hold on. Pretty cool. But not what I was looking for.
I moved a bit down the point to a more makeable section, a little inside the dudes who were furthest out. I caught a bunch of waves (which totally surprised me, Malibu usually has an uncanny ability to shame me), and by the end, I think I had the hang of the thing. The projection off the bottom on a good bottom turn is insane. I had a few that made the mission a success.
Anyways, I noticed the ding and grabbed the Pistolero. I had a few good ones all to myself. Then I got stuck in a rut of no waves for a bit and I bailed.
I ended up at Bay Cities Deli for a large Godmother Sandwich and a Bud Heavy.
I was sitting on the patio, almost done with my food when some kid rolls up and asks me if I'll buy him a 40. I told him I thought he looked like one of those undercover kid cops and that he'd prolly bust me when I came out with the booze. He was like, "huh?" I decided against it. We made shitty fake ID's and frequented shady liquor stores when I was underage, I don't think we ever asked random strangers. I'm not gonna hold his hand and just make it that easy. Kids.
"I'm not into that faggot shit.If you can't surf or ride a skateboard....then get the heck outta here and go home...because, you know what, we can't tolerate you fffffrrrricken' queers. Just bail. Go back to Laguna Beach."
I ran into Troy and Devin last night. I totally forgot about Devin's blog. It is pretty sweet. The first post I ever read of his was a video of a homeless dude trying to boardslide a parking stone, only to fail and end up with a swellbo.
Our buddy Ben Fischer has a spot on the Berrics. link. If you don't know, well I guess you know now.
Back when I used to work at Katin, Ben was just a grom, probably still in middle school. His mom would drop him off at the beach in the morning. He would surf for a bit and then walk over to the shop. He would kick it from the time we opened until the time we closed. The most psyched grom ever.
I'm not sure who started calling him "Rat" or why, for that matter. Shop rat, he just chilled on the reg. It was tight. He wouldn't just sit around either. Helping customers, folding shit...straight doin' work son. He would work all day, but we couldn't put him on the payroll, he was like 12. So we would hook him up with clothes and all sorts of shit.
Anyways, I lost touch with him for a bit, then in the past year or two, I have seen him around more ofter. All grown up and slashing the shit out of his skate. Anwyways, good on ya Ben.