++I love old photos like this. This takes me back to the middle school days when these dudes were in high school++
Jody Lemmon of the bolsa chicos. Tim Senneff when he still longboarded, had dreads, and wasn't "SennelHoff" the lifeguard. And Tim Johnson who I really only knew of from watching Travis Karian's first flick "The Awakening". They won the longboarding state title back in the late 90's for Los Al.
I heard a rumor along time ago that the coach got fired for taking them to Mexico, then got drunk and stoned, then disappeared leaving the kids on their own. He might have crashed a car too, I really can't remember and don't know if there's any truth behind this. Maybe I'll ask Senny next time I see him.
hahaha I took an EMT class with Tim Senneff
If you guys knew what really happened on that trip, you wouldn't beleive it!
tim used to scare me...
please tell me a donkey show was worked into the equation.
tim still kinda scares me. you never know if he wants to kill you, or just thinks you're alright. not as scary as the dread lock longboard days when he cawwed like a crow at people. man that was scary/awesome.
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