This post has been along time coming. I'm ready to vent. I Peacefrog, completely confess that I can not stand the new crew at San Onofre state beach.
Today was a prime example of what irritates me the most about this place. . . The fucking new jack hipster loggers. I don't care how you dress (lord knows I get ripped on for my threads), what you ride, or even how vocal you are. I care about your fucking attitudes. Primarily focusing on the oh so evident staring problem everyone seems to have. What in the fuck are you staring at me for?
Seriously somebody please tell me if they have noticed this and please share any thoughts or ideas on the matter. Maybe I'm just an over analytical asshole who needs a xanay bar.
I sat watching 1 foot windy dribble for 15 minutes today and counted 3 different sets of beamers giving me neck. Straight eye balling the fuck out of me. I'm minding my own business looking at the ocean, not high, not paranoid.
As my tinted front windows began to roll up I also began to speculate. Checking out my board? No. It's in a bag. Me? No, I'm not that interesting. Car? Can't be, it's nothing special. Then what? I came to no conclusions except these. . .
++ The recurring traits every eye baller seems to share are as follow++ Shiny black westuit or odd color scheme wetsuit CHECK! Heavy log with resin swirls CHECK! Smug attitude, staring problem, and not smiling Mother Fucking CHECK!
Surfing experience extending beyond 5 or so years (or whenever sprout came out) EHHHHHHHH. Nope!
I remember allot of faces (not so much names) from along long time ago and none of these staring individuals are familiar. They all seem new to me and their surfing ability backs that theory up nicely.
Sano used to be cool, mellow, and not a total scene. I'm afraid these days might have passed. God, I can't wait till longboarding goes the way of POGS and just goes back to being lame and uncool. Maybe then I'll have a comfortable place to surf down south again.
I know exactly you're talking about. Thanks for coming out and saying what everyone, who isn't a complete jackass, have been thinking.
Why do you think they longbored?
taking the easy way out..
Queer emo hipsters ruined surfing.
Julio and I surfed blackies today and were talking about this EXACT same thing. Places like san o, blackies, doheny, etc. The eyeballing starts in the parking lot and just doesn't stop. And when you stand up on your first wave of the session you can literally feel all of the eyes staring behind you
What Would Fred Do?
I feel you man, I live all the way up in santa cruz....but its the same bullshit here, people I have never seen before at my spots look at me with that "what do you think your doing here" fucking stare right in the face. I agree, I love longboarding because it used to be my escape from the overcrowded overvibed shortboard waves, but now all these trendy hip little shits have ruined my escape and I hope to one day get it back.... or just move to new zealand
I completely agree! Dedicated Followers Of Fashion who travel with their own little hipster entourage, HOG the waves, act like no one else exists except them and their little clique, and give everyone else the intimidating stare-down. They're RUINING San-O!
Time to call them out. Thanks for doing your part!
maybe we can pray they'll all hop on thier fixed gears, grab there boards, and ride away....forever.
i just stare right back with a sly smirk that translates "fuck brockydoodle" and they just continue kicking around in the annoying dirt that muddies up your wetsuit and floorboards...if you ever end up going surfing that is. rarely do they do so. pucker up, peacefrog, and shrug them off!
Bizarro Twins: Peacefrog for President.
1. I still have my slammers POGS are coming back
2. I thought anon said,"Dedicated Flowers Of Fashion " which was radder and perfect misread.
3. these cats are like dust in wind. they will go the way of the buffalo......soon?
4. i need your number peacefrog so i can get you a slicky suit. call me
next time they stare at you say " what are you looking at mother fucker" or give them the bird ! those tools need to be kicked in their twats
Not to be an ass but, I bet when these "fake hipsters" get over all of their hipster cliche's all of you will too. Then it's just on to the next one and so on. At least for all of the actual longboarder's sake they won't long board forever...
Hipsters aint shit but tricks and ho's
I was such a hipster when I was 12 and started longboarding. Glad I'm just about over that cliche now at 24.
side note. I'm pretty sure everyone who read this joke didn't understand it. You say "hipster" and everyones blind to the message.
It's the attitudes people. the attitudes. not the clothing or wetsuit rubber. the fact that the attitudes tend to include a hipster ensemble is just an observation. slow down pissed old fat dudes.
This post is REALLY lame. I usually like this blog and think it's quite funny but this is just bullshit. Sano is a rad place. There are wayyy more nice people than "hipsters" there anyway. Maybe if you actually spent some time down there on a good day you'd notice all those kids actually do surf good and they are actually nice people too.
Go to Lowers on your gay longboard and see how they treat you. YOu might get a little wake up call to how mellow and fun Sano actually is.
The whole thing has become so stylish with those creeps that I've moved to the east coast, way up north towards Canada...shit, it's worth the price of a 7mm jump suite. Look out for people driving Lexus' with Becker's. Bring back 80's style localism.
Relax people, this blogs not to be taken too seriously
++not trying to talk shit people but this is svrfandDESTROY. Not surf/check out my modeling endeavors/God I'm rad ++
Ok, THATt was funny :) tushe Fuckwit!!!
Sorry I was so riled up but come one..Sano is rad! Come surf it with me sometime..
Haha right on man and you're right, Sano is indeed rad. popular demand sometimes encourages me to write my negative thoughts about surfing. bitchin that you're mellow though. I'll be sure to say what's up next time.
i'm from long beach. i'm 22, been reading s+d for a while. love it. i laugh, and i love that its not pompous. i also longboard! learned to surf about six years ago...then (regrettably) stopped for about four years to body board, as i didn't have a board to use any longer, and no job to buy one. finally got one a year ago, and i loves it. just bought a short board too, because i believe that you should diversify (your bonds nigga).
this whole hipster-longboard relation has me bummed out. i didn't even think of it until i've seen it on S+D. i know its mostly in good fun and humor, but you're somewhat right now that i think it. ugh. i don't wanna be lumped in that category. i believe in: having fun in the water, being respectful, smiling, and being nice.
to me, localism is acceptable, but only to a certain degree in certain situations. that's sooo annoying that these rich dudes eyeballed you so much. who the fuck are they?
anyway, LOLZ
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