It just seems so bland today, with all these watered down Pitchfork "Best New Music" bands it's refreshing to see bands that push musical boundaries. LIFELINE is a band who combines punk, reggae, and metal like no one else can. My band bear face was lucky enough to share a lockout with these legends. Please watch entire video to grasp full epicness.

what the fuck!!!!
hahaha that was tight as fuck, would watch again
...but seriously lol @ these dullards rap rocking about killing people
Jesus, I hate all music that's been made into a video.
h-christ that was EXTREME.
hahahahahaha it's even more embarrassing than how you described it at Clancy's. The range rover and dirt bikes really brings it all together.
Lifeline BRO
pitchfork & lifeline can eat my diarrhea
Please just appreciate "K9" the back up vocalist emphasising the fuck out the lyrics.
fuck 909ers
909?? Hell na "south side HB is where I reside" kill mothafukaaas tonight!
ohh shit dawg cu south side HB?, soooo hood sorry man dont hurt me. hahahaha
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