
NorthFace Ad...



Unknown said...

I don't get it. Am I missing the sarcasm or something? I think this ad is lame. This company has no history in surfing, like Nike trying to cash in on skateboarding. They are a made-in-china has been of a company.

Anonymous said...

the previous comment is pretty crazy.

snoogins said...

to clear up any confusion i believe that is poster murdercity in the picture...and yes mikey that comment was crazy!

ion dissonance said...

Maybe it's because I'm drunk at turcs while looking at this... But WTF. Is this gona be a real ad?

Anonymous said...

Haha no sense of HUMOR on that comment up there.
I took this photo to be funny not to be serious.
YES you missed the SARCASM my friend :)

P.S. Its not for real!

Anonymous said...

Is he pooping in China? I don't understand.