
At Last!!!

I am very excited to see Spike Jonze's adaptation of "Where the Wild Things Are," he also directed "Being John Malkovich" and "Adaptation." His third film is set to release this year and it is based off the greatest children's book of all time. The sets look insane and the monsters look amazing.

here is the trailer...


snoogins said...

pretty stoked to see where he takes this because there really isn't much to the book to make an entire movie out of....hopefully he doesn't butcher it

Morgan said...

jonze is pretty dang crafty; i have a feeling this movie will be 10% story, 90% visuals, and honestly i don't know of any other ratio the book can be adapted at to make a functioning feature film.

it's going to be rad, and i hope the hamburglar butchers you for being a naysayer.

snoogins said...

i'd rather be butchered by the grimace and get his purple slob all over my knob

El Hefe said...

I hope Thomas Campbell has nothing to do with this thing.

murdercity said...

why the hell would he?