
Scummer 08

All the assholes are out in full effect. Beware.

T-Bird convertible with a pop-out bungee corded to the top.

Her license plate says "Love to be Sassy" in license plate speak. Blond and awful, welcome to California.

Bro-dozer. These bro-sephs were blasting Daft Punk, had huge motocross decals covering their rig, and were douche-bags.

All of these pictures were taken over the weekend in extremely close proximity to the Huntington Beach Pier


J.P. said...

I love those Mad Max peak oil rigs, ha.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

This blog cracks me up. My husband is a photographer and shot some portraits of Steve Caballero (not him skating tho). If you want to see them they are shots 9 + 14 under portfolio on his site. jaywatson dot com.