If you've been anywhere in the south bay/Venice beach area you have probably noticed those obnoxious little trees hanging from telephone lines. Sometimes there cardboard, other times there water bottles with the little fucking tree stickers on them, sometimes there constructed out of steel. The people behind this litter campaign are Hippy Tree clothing company. For a company that is trying to cash in on the whole Green, Environmentally friendly, socially conscious, whatever the damn gimick that just about every company is now doing and in my opinion is also doing an effective job of trivializing the whole matter, hippy tree has succeeded in making complete hypocrite hippy ass'es of themselves. I'm no Einstein but isn't that thin piece of twine holding the stupid fucking trees up on the power lines subject to the same consequences of weather as anything else? Or does it have magic hippy powers? In other words won't that shit eventually fall down and become just another piece of trash in the street to get kicked in the gutter and flow to our beaches? Somebody please correct me if i got it tweaked somehow, but until then, fuck you hippy tree. fuck you, fuck your super original artistic guerilla marketing campaign, and fuck your smug artistic photos of your litter that i could do in 30 seconds in photoshop.

Who's bitter?
Hippy tree is fuckin tight so dont talk all this shit about it
ahaha thats great. You know when i posted this i was really expecting 3 types of comment responses.
1. "Your spelling and grammatical ridden run on sentences are painful to read, and you seem like an angry person".
2. "Yea dude i agree"
3. "Hey man that company is chillllll, its all about like weeed and chill buddies mann, why you gotta hate on them"
Guess what category your response falls into?
Please elaborate as to what makes them "tight"?
Yea dude I agree
Whatever on that company, I'm too old to want to re-live the hippy fashion thing, and most of the hippy surfer themed companies, videos, art shows etc. are not my bag, man. That said, their totally cool guerilla marketing campaign is just litter, like you said. Pretty lame for someone calling themselves naturists. the founder will probably get busted for selling dope.
hippy tree is fucking gay. show us your name mr. anonymous who says the company is "tight" then kill yourself!!!!!!
Here's my two pence:
1: that marketing campain is awesome.
2: Your totally spot on with the contradicting ethics.
3: I always thought they're looked like those nasty air fresheners you find in taxi cabs.
4: The word hippy makes my skin crawl.
Amen, Have you read the Hippy Tree mission statement? What a crock of BS. It sounds like an art project going on too long. They aren't trying to do sh*t except slang clothes. The Hippytree hq is in the center of the yuppie ghetto of manhattan. Nature is goin' mofucka's.
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