
"Go be fat on someone else's time"

Thank you Henry.

I had to add this one for Dudeconomy, murdercity, NevadicalMcRadical, and all our other friends who listen to this shit. love you fools ; )

On an unrelated note, I spotted this on the window at Gnarl's Jr yesterday after a marathon session. Seriously what type of shit is this?


Anonymous said...

your mom causes cancer

Anonymous said...

your mom causes cancer

ion dissonance said...

my moms dead asshole


snoogins said...

crucial rollins reading for some fitness motivation:

also, your mom goes to college LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

dude eat shit food frog...

christian said...

I watched Henry in some movie on cable the other night. He was running around Appalachia killing fucked up inbred cannibal mutants. Those hillbillies were outclassed. It was cool.