86% of my friends don't surf. Its pretty cool. They can actually talk about things going on in the world and always surprise me with ill behavior. You'd think most people that go surf would be laid back, but all signs point to the contrary as far as Orange Clowny is concerned. Surf cliques seem to always be friendly to the face and talk mad loads of shit behind the back. Major drama all the time that the participants seem to thrive off of. That's why I'm so stoked on what we have going here at S&D. We just surf and leave it at that. Fuck everything else. I don't care to attend your surf art show/band/whatever, only to discuss the latest drama going down in the scene and put other people down.
I'd rather get drunk with cool people like my buddy Bootz-
"I'm gonna go piss player. Fuck that whole coaster routine."
Pulls this out of his wallet and bails...

I swear surfing and surfers are so fucking lame. If I didn't love it, I'd fucking hate it.

LMAO at that chick in the advertisement! What a kook! LOL... Surfers suck! That is of course except me and ahhhhh... you and ahhhhh my surfer friends... but otherwise surfers suck! Hahahaha
Agreed. I am also a fan of having a significant other that does not surf.
Surfing is my time.
As I drive to the beach, I sometimes get my brain into confrontation mode. I hate that shit. I always tell people to drop in on me because I just don't care. This is LA and we - and our waves - suck. It's not like anyone is carving out any masterpieces out there.
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