So long Dodgers and thank you for another beautiful season at the Ravine. I went to 15 games and had a blast watchin' my boys in blue and look forward to next season. Until the spring: Fuck the Phillies, Fuck the Giants and Lets Go Lakers!
You're right. Someone who is afraid to pitch to a fat, elderly Canadian pinch hitter who hasn't hit well all season should have his name known. I made a mental note of Johnathan's first name and will be sure to get his name right the next time he blows a game for his team.
until spring training. Next year is the year, i'm calling it now.
More like fuck the Dodgers for rolling over in the nlcs. Chad Broxton's tears were one of my favorite parts of the series.
more like get the guys name right before you talk shit. jonathan broxton. kook.
You're right. Someone who is afraid to pitch to a fat, elderly Canadian pinch hitter who hasn't hit well all season should have his name known. I made a mental note of Johnathan's first name and will be sure to get his name right the next time he blows a game for his team.
2.61 36 114 0.96
i'll take those numbers over mr brad "blown save" lidge. taste the tears come the world series buddy.
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